As you’ve likely gathered by now, most of us on the AMBC Board of Directors are outright podcast junkies.

I have my favorite podcasts, and among them is a fairly new gem from Gimlet Media, Surprisingly Awesome. This delightful show takes a seemingly mundane topic, digs into it, and discovers why it is … you guessed it … surprisingly awesome! In the past few months, I’ve learned more than I ever thought I wanted to know about broccoli, mattresses, mold, and … naturally … pigeons!

One of the most recent episodes of Surprisingly Awesome is on cardboard. When it popped up in my feed, I moved it promptly to the top of my playlist and my brother and I–both serious shipping nerds–listened to it intently on our drive home on Saturday.

In our industry, we deal with cardboard all day, every day. Have we ever stopped to think about it? I mean, seriously think about it? Do we know how it’s made, why its engineered the way it is, how to maximize its strength and potential, and how to choose the right cardboard for the task at hand? Have we taken the time to become the experts that our customers expect us to be?

Personally, I thought I knew a lot about cardboard. And I do. In all of my shipping nerdery, I clearly fall into the category of cardboard enthusiast. But this podcast, in its simple way of explaining things, enlightened me to some of the history behind the design, ratings, and box seals that we’ve all become so used to.

There’s a lot more to cardboard than can be spoken about in 41 minutes, but I was seriously impressed with this episode, and I highly recommend that you check it out for yourself:

Before you know it, you’ll be hooked and an expert-in-training on concrete, adhesives, interest rates, a whole gamut of other humdrum topics.

It’s surprisingly awesome!

For more information on Marty, please visit

Source: AMBC Blog