Crysta Reeves

Crysta Reeves

AMBC Board Chair & Director of Social Media


Crysta has been a well-known player in the independent mail and business center industry for years, and we were thrilled when she joined the AMBC board of directors in January of 2021 to help guide our organization and lead our members to new heights.

As the owner of Pack & Mail Plus in Duluth, Minnesota, and Pack & Mail Station in Cloquet, Minnesota, Crysta is known for her outstanding commitment to excellence and service; she’s also an amazing mom to some fantastic kids who feature often in the local TV commercials she and her team produce as part of their unique and effective community and family-focused marketing strategy.

In 2016, Crysta added online order fulfillment and uber-customized large format print offerings to her long list of specialties when she opened Northland Cheer Heads, which she runs out of one of her stores. 

Contact Crysta today at 

Tommy Armstrong

Tommy Armstrong

AMBC Vice Board Chair & Director of Business Diversification

Tommy grew up knowing that he wanted to be in the business world. He attended Webber International University in Babson Park, Florida, and earned a BS in business administration management. His post- college career started in the wholesale distribution business where he held multiple positions including retail merchandiser, executive account manager, and lead buyer for one of the largest wholesale distribution suppliers in the U.S. During his time working in the wholesale distribution industry, Tommy was asked to lead the rebuilding of one of the large retail chain accounts that he was in charge of managing as their primary wholesale provider. This included overseeing the rebuilding of a 175+ retail store chain, which was emerging from chapter 11 bankruptcy under new ownership; over the next five years, Tommy oversaw the remodeling of hundreds of stores including rebranding the entire store network to a new name and rebuilding the image of the stores before assisting the company owner in selling off all 175+ stores to new owners as now profitable and successful stores.
After working on both the wholesale side of the retail industry and directly in the 175+ retail store that he had just finished rebuilding, Tommy knew it was time to continue to pursue his childhood dreams and begin working for himself in his own store. Tommy along with his father opened his first retail store, More Ink for Less, LLC, in 2007 and was focused on the remanufacturing and refilling of printer ink cartridges. In 2014, Tommy took on a massive store remodel to transform the store into a store that was more than one dimensional. In the fall of 2014, More Ink for Less underwent a total transformation to expand and add additional revenue streams and services to the store which included the Pack & Ship Stores brand and ultimately a new store was born in September of 2014 as Warrington Business Center.
Today, Warrington Business Center has continued to evolve and offers a wide variety of services including shipping, packaging, printing, ink and toner, local delivery services, mailbox rental, U-Haul, fingerprinting, order fulfillment, online sales, and rental cars. Warrington Business Center is a full service, customer service driven, community business center which operates under Tommy’s core philosophy: the customer always comes first; without the customer we do not exist.
During his 20+ year business career Tommy has owned or been a partner in multiple businesses, including a real estate rental business with 10+ rental houses that he managed, and still operates today with business partner as well as a cupcakery that he owned with his wife Jennifer, his college sweetheart whom he has been married to for over 20 years. Jennifer and Tommy have enjoyed the excitement of raising two daughters together and teaching them to become the exceptional young woman that they have become today. Whenever Tommy is not working in or on his business, he enjoys spending time with his wife, kids, and family; he enjoys traveling to visit new places, golfing, fishing, bowling, and trying any new experience.

While owning his store, Tommy has had the pleasure of being a long-time member of BNI and holding positions as Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President during his membership. He has been a member of the Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce and been an ambassador for his local chamber of commerce as well as being named Chamber Ambassador of Year. Tommy has always held business education in high regard and makes sure to attend every industry event that he can to learn as much as he can about the industries that he is involved in. Tommy is always open to sharing any of the experiences or knowledge that he has gained over his many years or give you his opinion on any topic that you ask about as he loves being a business owner and helping other business owners succeed so the get to enjoy everything that being a small business owner offers

Tommy joined the AMBC Board of Directors in May of 2023 and is excited to help guide the organization that he’s been an active member of for years, and to see where the team can take it next to continue to benefit independent shipping stores across the country.

Contact Tommy today at


Tom Ogilvie

Tom Ogilvie

AMBC Board Treasurer & Director of Problem Solving


Tom considers himself to be an entrepreneur with the title of “Master Problem Solver.” An ambassador for the Kenosha Chamber of Commerce, Tom has lived in the Kenosha, Wisconsin area his entire life, enjoying everything it has to offer. (But to be truthful, as he gets a little older, he’d like the winters to be a little shorter.)

Tom worked his way through college by working for UPS part-time as an unloader and truck washer, when they used to wash every truck every day, and eventually moved into management of the night shift. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Parkside with a degree in management information systems. He worked in that field for about five years, then ventured off on his own and has been doing so for 25 years.

Tom started with his first business in computer consulting out of his home and found he needed a place to have his packages delivered when he was not home and out working. So, he opened a mailbox at a local AMBC Member’s store just up the street from his house. Then one day in 2001, without any notice, he got a note in his mailbox that said the person that owned the store was closing. Tom started to talk with the owner and, even though she advised not getting into the business because of the threat of a competing national carrier franchise making big, aggressive moves at the time toward independent stores, Tom thought differently. He always liked the business model. So, within two weeks of getting a note in his mailbox, that owner closed her doors…and Tom opened his own business, EZ Pack N Ship, the very next day. Now, 20 years later, he’s still at it and continues to grow what has turned out to be a fantastic business model after all!

Tom indeed is an entrepreneur, at one point running three businesses: Computer Consulting , EZ Pack N Ship, and Power Fill, which deals with ink and toner. In 2009, he sold his computer business but still ran the other two. In his decision process, he looked at each of his businesses to decide which one needed to go to free up more time for the other two. The reason that he wanted to keep EZ Pack N Ship was partially due to AMBC and all of its members; he felt the support that has always been there. He enjoyed the conventions, events, and the way that all of the other store owners were so willing to help each other. He has never seen that type of openness and support in any other industry.

Tom has been a member of the AMBC for 20 years and looks forward to helping any way he can to move the organization forward and to continue the “members helping members” philosophy, as he knows how AMBC has helped him and many others be more successful then they would have been on their own.

Contact Tom today at


Mary Bray

Mary Bray

AMBC Board Secretary & Director of Innovation



Mary joined the AMBC board of directors in January of 2021 as the first franchisee to be part of the volunteer team that directs our non-profit organization. As the owner of Pak Mail Thorpe Lane in San Marcos, Texas, Mary shines as a leader and innovator among her peers.

With over 15 years of experience in real estate and over 20 years of experience as a notary public, Mary brings a unique perspective to the AMBC team. Her always-fresh product and service ideas have diversified her business in areas that inspire us all to try new things to continually anticipate and meet our clients’ ever-changing needs.

The oldest of her siblings, Mary grew up in Mexico in a family where nearly everyone owns their own business. She’s a hard-working entrepreneur through and through, yet her family and her sons remain her most important priority.

Contact Mary today at


David McCallum

David McCallum

AMBC Director of Strategy


Engineer by day and shipping store owner by night, David McCallum is a renowned multi-industry leader who designed his services on a foundation of humor, respect, and above all, integrity. As the owner of Fairhaven Post And Parcel, David features an extensive 20+ year background involving the intricacies of business development / management, customer experience, and technology innovation, and enjoys every moment of leveraging that to help business owners across the shipping industry.

Throughout his career, David has built a strong inventory of successes that has positioned him to become the master of two distinguished trades, engineering and small business ownership. To date, he holds a degree in electrical engineering, an MBA from Western Washington University and a master’s degree in the school of entrepreneurial hard knocks while simultaneously being heavily involved in the mail and business center industry.

Nothing makes David happier than translating business goals into tangible realities and doing so all while ensuring the customer or team he is supporting receives the first-rate experiences they deserve along the way. He has a genuine passion for riding the entrepreneurial roller coaster and demonstrates that through his development of retail printing and shipping services that not only meet expectations, but exceed them every time. This, in conjunction with his reputation for running a business by the numbers,
is what shaped David into the dynamic small business owner he is today—one who continuously strives to raise the standards bar for his clients, his team, and himself.

When David is not business managing or wearing his engineering hat, you can often find him hiking, playing chess, and most importantly, spending time with his two sons. In the end, David loves what he does and is always seeking ways to advance both personally and professionally to optimize services, experiences, and results.

Contact Dave today at


Norman Froscher

Norman Froscher

Ex Officio Director of Engagement


If you’ve happened upon any of Espresso Mail’s social media lately, you’ve surely seen a video of Norman engaging his customers in conversation … or engaging his community to become aware of a charitable cause of the month. Norman cares. And it shows on where he focuses his time and energy, and in where he directs his audience’s attention.

Norman and his wife Lisa co-own Espresso Mail in West Palm Beach, Florida. Perhaps one of the most unique models in our unique industry, their business marries the business and shipping center concept with a coffee bar, and the result is something incredibly special!

As a former USPS letter carrier, Norman knows the ins and outs of getting packages and mail handled correctly. He previously managed business services for several law firms and financial companies, so he’s well versed in “taking care of business.” He’s a veteran, having served in the 82nd Airborne Division. And, while he loves a good cup of coffee, his go-to drink is a straight shot of espresso.

Norman’s outreach, lively spirit of community, and years of experience in our industry make him a perfect fit as AMBC’s Director of Engagement. We are thrilled to have him on the team!

Contact Norman today at


Marielou Ray

Marielou Ray

AMBC Board Director


Marielou Ray, Pack Rat Shipping Services, Owner I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida. Both of my parents’ families ran family owned businesses. I spent most weekends working in my aunt and uncle’s hardware store. I was waiting on customers buying seeds before I even started school, or at my dad’s road building company riding on the dump trucks and excavating tractors that were working in the clay pits. I still enjoy driving large vehicles or operating a Bob Cat for fun.

I was very athletic growing up. I played tennis on the USTA Florida Junior Circuit until I graduated high school. I also played volleyball, tennis and softball in high school. I was the “Most Athletic Female” for my graduating class at Pensacola High School.

I attended Florida State University for my first 2 years of college. I played on the women’s volleyball team during my time at Florida State. I finished my final 2 years of college at Iowa State University after I got married. I graduated with a degree in Secondary Education and Health Sciences.

I spent a couple of years teaching Health Education to high school students before beginning my journey in the retail world. I took a part time job working for a big box retailer, Payless Cashways, Inc. They were a company based in the Midwest selling building materials and hardware. It felt and smelled (fresh cut lumber) right, like being back in my uncles’ hardware store. That part time job turned into a 15 year career where I worked my way up the retail ladder to Store Manager. Upon making management status in their in-house training program. I spent 9 years as an operations/training manager in the same program I had trained in. I was
now training the new managers coming up the program. I was eventually awarded my own store to manage. Unfortunately, the company got into financial trouble and began closing stores in order to stay in business. After 3 years and a company restructuring, my store was one that was targeted to be closed. Now What? I took their offer of a severance package and left. The company eventually closed.

I realized retail management was my future. I was hired as a store manager with a retail boating supply chain, Boat US, and subsequently went through their training program. I relocated to New Orleans to manage the local store. This moved me closer to family in Pensacola. After 3 years this company began closing stores, so I left and returned to the hardware industry with Lowe’s Home Improvement, which was expanding into the New Orleans market. I spent 7 years at Lowe’s managing the Contractor Sales and Installed Sales departments.

Hurricane Katrina rolled in and devastated New Orleans. My home was not able to be lived in. While working so many hours at Lowe’s, I was not able to rebuild it. The job became unmanageable, as well, with no product available or contractors to work in installed sales. I left Lowes.

Now What? For the second time I was at a professional juncture. I had managed other companies, why not start my own. I did extensive research and found a UPS Store Franchise for sale in New Orleans. The franchise agreement had many restrictions. In my opinion it was not for me.

I then explored a local business broker who was setting up independent mail and parcel stores. I signed a contract. And the adventure began. Pack Rat Shipping Services was born in February 2006 and 60 days later in April 2006 the doors were opened for business. No fancy grand opening, only a few paper flyers to the local businesses and residential neighborhoods. I began with 1 employee (who still works for me) and myself. The first location opened in a 900 sq. ft. space where 10 years were spent filling it up and outgrowing it. At the end of the lease, the decision was made to relocate 3 blocks to a larger location of 1500 sq. ft., where we operate today. We added an adjacent building last year to gain additional space for storage and a larger packing area. My team today consists of 5 people and 1 shop dog.

The industry has seen many changes in my 18 years in business. I have attended many annual and regional events and met many friends and mentors along the way. I had not had the pleasure of working in industries in the past where people are so willing to help and share knowledge like we do. This industry of independents thrives on excellent customer service. I am humbled to be asked to serve as a board member for AMBC. I look forward to meeting new faces, being a mentor and shaping the future of our industry. The importance of customer service was instilled in me as a small child in a very small hardware store. I look forward to serving the members of AMBC.

Contact Marielou today at


Noelle Wright

Noelle Wright

AMBC Board Director


Noelle Wright is the owner of Pack & Ship Plus in Colorado Springs, CO. After college she traveled around Europe, resided in Hawaii for a bit and found her way to Antarctica for a work opportunity. She enjoys being outside with her husband and has recently taken up golf, but spends most weekends cheering from the sidelines of the soccer field or dance floor for one of her two daughters.

Pack & Ship Plus opened in 2015 just before the holiday rush. Since then we have added a new service each year to include printing, notary services, fingerprinting and most recently U-haul rentals. We are centered between a large university, several senior living facilities and numerous apartment homes so our customers are widely diversified and need a variety of services. This has given us many opportunities to try new things and find what works best in our community.

Contact Noelle today at


Kim Mahoney

Kim Mahoney

Director of Operations | #AMBCConcierge


Kim is the glue that holds AMBC together. She runs the office, manages the AMBC user forum, develops programs, organizes and runs events, and works closely with AMBC Trusted Suppliers, AMBC Members, and the AMBC Board of Directors and staff to make everything flow smoothly. She continually impresses her coworkers with her efficiency, dedicated work ethic, and tremendous knowledge of our intricate industry and association. She’s a friend to each member, and a valued resource for all.

Since joining the AMBC team as Director of Operations in 2008, Kim has done it all. She has years of experience at the counter of Mailboxes and Parcel Depot, which AMPC used as a flagship store and new owner training center in Rockford, Illinois. She was integral in directing the organizations as AMPC transitioned to the new non-profit AMBC, and helped steer the offices through the transition to dual offices in California and Illinois, giving AMBC access to both West Coast and Midwest time zones.

Kim is passionate about customer service and looks for innovative ways to help members navigate the multitude of challenges facing owners in this age of constant change. She looks forward to hearing from you!

Contact Kim today at

Brad Risch

Brad Risch

Operations Executive | #AMBCLiason


When you call AMBC, there’s a good chance that Brad will be the voice on the other end of the line. As AMBC Operations Executive, he serves as a liaison, friend, and point of contact for AMBC Members, AMBC Trusted Suppliers, affiliates, and other industry contacts.

After a long career in television broadcasting as a producer, director, and manager, Brad understands the value of clear, accurate, and timely communication. He brings those attributes to being the primary contact point for AMBC. Providing answers to questions by connecting the need to the resource—helping members help members.

Brad is committed to providing service to the AMBC network and connecting you to resources you need to help you succeed.

Contact Brad today at

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