It’s the middle of November, and we’re all busy finalizing our holiday ads, mailings, and marketing messages. Do you have a proofreader?

Unfortunate grammar and poor communication are detrimental to a business … especially in our industry, where our target customers are busy people seeking time-saving, professional solutions.

A second set of eyes is great for more than grammar. Honest proofreaders will tell you if your ad makes sense, if it’s too cluttered, and if it gets the right message across. Ask your staff, spouse, kids, friends, and customers what they think. Ask them to be honest, and to read and critique as if they know nothing about your business.

Then take some time to reread and review what you’ve created. When I write, I print my document and sit at my customer workstation, away from my desk, and correct it with a red pen. The change of scenery does wonders, allowing me to literally see my message in new light. You wouldn’t believe the changes I make–all to a piece that seemed totally fine minutes before on my screen.

A graphic designer shared a tip with me recently: It’s not what you can add, but what you can take away. So use that thought in your editing process, and make your year-end messages shine!

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Source: AMBC Blog