by ambcadmin | Feb 24, 2017 | Posts
A little over a year ago, in January 2016, during our AMBC board meeting, I had mentioned to our directors about trying to move towards having video conferencing meetings via a new app called Zoom ( At the time, it was relatively new and unheard of by...
by ambcadmin | Feb 21, 2017 | Posts
Have you ever done a suspension pack? Suspension packing, or “packing in air,” is a fantastic, simple technique that we teach in AMBC’s RSi® certified packing classes. It’s not a method to use every day, but one that comes in quite handy for...
by ambcadmin | Feb 14, 2017 | Posts
Have you told your customers lately that you love them? Have you told them lately that you care? Now you can grab each one by the hand, look them in the eye, and say, “I love you, customer.” But you’re probably going to either get slapped or put on...
by ambcadmin | Feb 10, 2017 | Posts
Last night, after his soccer practice, my son and I stopped off at my favorite grocery store, Wegmans, to buy some urgently needed items from my wife’s grocery list, a task that should’ve only taken 15 minutes and cost $20. Well, 50 minutes and $85 later,...
by ambcadmin | Feb 3, 2017 | Posts
Dear Uncle Marty, What are some alternative services I can offer in my store to bring in business? Looking for something new, Inquisitive Ingrid Dear Ingrid, I like how you phrased your question: “…services I can offer in my store to bring in business.” You’re...