Let excellence be your brand – #Oprah #FahimFix Friday

Let excellence be your brand – #Oprah #FahimFix Friday

I was truly honored to be invited to speak to high school students for their annual Shadow Day program, where they go out into the workplace and shadow different careers, so that they can decide if their chosen career path is, in fact, right for them. It allows them...

Friday the 21st

Friday was “one of those days” at Uncle Marty’s. One of my biggest printing customers—one of Cornell’s largest departments—submitted a nearly 3000-page color printing request on Thursday afternoon. It was a good job, involving different sizes of paper that...

Make a Little Change

I just moved my desk. It wasn’t an earth shaking, ground breaking, overwhelming undertaking. In fact, the total distance traveled for my Ikea stainless steel-topped buddy was less than 10 feet. But the move has made me very, very happy. Before, my desk was...

Our Industrial Evolution

Evolution [ev-uh-loo-shuh n]: a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development; any process of formation or growth. My parents opened their first store in the fall of 1991. I was...