Have you Googled yourself lately?

Have you Googled yourself lately?

We all talk about keeping our social media profiles clean and we know how important this concept is to our businesses and our personal lives. However, have you ever wondered what people are saying about you online? Besides hashtags, the easiest way to determine your...

Things I have learned

Weekly, I am reminded of how vastly different the freight world can be from the small package world. A $5.00 error in small package can be a $100.00 mistake in freight. I see mistakes and errors that I know are avoidable. These mistakes can cost you money. Here are a...
Hire Attitude; Train Skills

Hire Attitude; Train Skills

I got gas last night. I noticed a little sign on the Mirabito gas pump that said, “Come grow with us! We’re hiring friendly, outgoing and dependable people.” I stared at the sign while I was filling up, thinking, What a nice way to describe who...
Branding 101: Boxes

Branding 101: Boxes

We sell boxes. We sell lots and lots of boxes. I’m sure this is true for nearly everyone in our industry. Packing and shipping are staple profit centers and many of us make a big deal about our box selection and packaging expertise. It sets us apart. In my...