Did you know your packages are guaranteed to arrive on time or they are free?? YES… the whole #ifitslateitsfree motto applies to the shipping world as well! When UPS and FedEx deliver a package after the guaranteed time, you are entitled to a refund credit for the shipping charges. Ground packages are also included.

These GSR (guaranteed service refund) late package refunds are only provided upon request, you NEVER get them automatically. UPS & FedEx offer a great money-back guarantee policy on late deliveries, however, they don’t necessarily make it easy to get these refunds.

Refund Retriever automatically audits your FedEx and UPS invoices each week to find these packages and have the credits placed back on your invoices. We get paid paid after the carrier credits you and if you are 100% satisfied with our service. If there are no refund credits, you owe us nothing! There are no setup, monthly, or cancellation fees

Monitor DIM & Other Charges

FedEx and UPS  have weight minimums and oversize penalties, which are referred to as DIM (dimensional weight) charges.  Keep an eye on what packages have a dimensional weight applied, we have a report that will keep you alerted to any package in which the billed weight is higher than the actual weight. What about possible third parties shipping on your accounts? We can provide a list of any package that was not shipped from or to your store.  

UPS Voids

Always void unused UPS shipping labels! If you or a third party create a UPS label with your account number, you will be charged even if you do not ship the package.  Be sure to void any unused UPS labels IMMEDIATELY. Refund Retriever’s automated disputing makes voids easy for customers to manage, thereby increasing the refund credits collected for unused shipping labels created by you or third-parties.

Who is Refund Retriever?

We are no strangers to the mail and parcel industry. Since 2006, hundreds of mail and business centers have turned the job of monitoring and collecting refunds due for late shipments and billing mistakes over to Refund Retriever.  Refund Retriever was started by Brian Gibbs in the back of a mail and parcel store.  While a member of AMPC, Brian used his own FedEx and UPS accounts to develop proprietary parcel invoice auditing software specializing in saving money on FedEx & UPS invoices. That first mail and parcel center was the catalyst that created Refund Retriever. Visit our website at www.refundretriever.com or call us at 1-800-441-8085.

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Source: AMBC Blog