Here’s my humble request for this week; please listen to this podcast:

If you’re contributing to the environment and contributing to the community and contributing to the solution then you are creating value, period. And through the vocal social media channels, people will share that value to others.
We (as consumers) will trust the people that show up for others first and we can tell if they are trustworthy.
We have to be the person they can’t live without – From Linchpin, book by Seth Godin
Related to bringing emotional labor to the table – showing up when you don’t want to and making a difference, day in and day out. (Consistency is key)
Given a choice – people always pick something that matters / someone who cares – about the relational connection, which is real. (Relationships based on authenticity and pure communication build trust).
We all fell in love with the SAT because it’s a way to hide from “are you a good person?” That’s why we fell in love with numbers and making money – it’s a way to hide from “DID YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE?” Not anymore can we hide in the transparent world of social media and the connection economy of 21st Century. Example – Virgin Atlantic & Southwest Airlines = BE HUMAN, even in a mundane, seemingly transactional industry like airlines. Can we NOT do that in shipping? #MakingTheMundaneExtraordinary (Look at Starbucks, Whole Foods and Chobani)
Blackberry ruled the world, & then they were gone; Motorola ruled the world, & then they were gone; Nokia ruled the world & then they were gone. How can WE THINK we will stay if we don’t adapt to the changes and seize the opportunity before us?
Thank you again for allowing me to be of service to you.
Co-owner of Island Ship Center
AMBC Certified Store
#FahimFix #SpaOfShipping #ExudeExcellence
10 Minutes from Niagara Falls, USA
1879 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
Phone: 716-773-6300 Website:
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Source: AMBC Blog