by ambcadmin | Aug 26, 2016 | Posts
Two weeks ago, I presented several breakout sessions on social media at the Retail Shippers Expo in Vegas. During most of my sessions, I talked about the attitude of gratitude (or, as I called it, #AttitudeOfGratitude). It’s important to note that attitude, not...
by ambcadmin | Aug 23, 2016 | Posts
For me, August always feels like the start of a new year. It’s weird, I know. But my shop is in a college town, and August is when all of the new students arrive for the year. The town comes back to life, things are fresh, and attitudes are positively hopeful....
by ambcadmin | Aug 19, 2016 | Posts
Returning back from the Retail Shippers Expo 2016 this week, overflowing with emotions, I could not sleep on the plane. So, I started and finished reading my book, #AskGaryVee – One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media & Self-Awareness. It...
by ambcadmin | Aug 16, 2016 | Posts
I’m traveling today, headed home after an amazing week in Vegas at the Retail Shippers Expo. I’ll have a formal follow-up article on Expo in the next issue of MBC Today, but have to share my overwhelm with you now. Perhaps “overwhelm”...
by ambcadmin | Aug 9, 2016 | Posts
As you head to Las Vegas for this week’s epic Retail Shippers Expo, please remember a few things: Keep an open mind. What you plan to learn at Expo might not be what you need to learn. You’ll see and hear things that will make you go, “Ah-ha!”...
by ambcadmin | Aug 5, 2016 | Posts
Welcome Instagram Stories this week and so, for those who are not wanting to take advantage of Snapchat, Instagram has made it really easy. With that, we welcome you to add AMBC to your list of Instagram accounts that you follow. We plan to provide lots of pics and...