Should that be a sale or a referral?

For years, we received requests to ship cars: “How much to ship this car to Texas? How much for my truck? Can I fill it with my stuff and then ship? “ We learned that there are way too many ways for a customer to search for pricing online for it to be worth the time...

Changes coming to the NMFC

NMFC Changes are taking place April 15th, 2017 NMFC = National Motor Freight Classification,  is the system that sets the description and class of everything shipped freight.   The description used to describe an item shipped sets the NMFC number, that...
The Kids' Mailbox

The Kids' Mailbox

I just made a kids’ mailbox. It’s a concept I’ve heard of before, but completely forgot about until Henry reminded us of it at the PostalMate regional training weekend a few weeks ago in New York. It’s really quite a brilliant idea: put the key...

Best Practices

Best Practices….. Do you follow them, should you follow them? Why should you follow them? Best practices can set you, your staff and your business apart from the crowd. They can be simple, or extremely complex. They can cost you no money, a little money or the...