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'Twas the Week Before Christmas
'Twas the week before Christmas, And down at her store, Our friend was quite frenzied, Of this we're quite sure. She's been packin' and stackin', Playing real life box Tetris, Which she tries to explain, But not many get this. The line's getting...

A Case for Holiday Cards
I got my first Christmas card yesterday. It was from my Aunt Bonnie, and it was spectacularly special. I send cards out every year, both personally and from my business. It's quite a project! Though I must admit that I'm indeed exceptionally organized and have card...

Naughty or Nice: What will Santa Bring You This Christmas?
He’s making a list, and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. Everyone knows that Santa is always watching. He sees you when you’re sleeping; he knows when you’re awake. As creepy as this might seem, it’s a good reminder to forego being naughty and...

Take advantage of Small Business Saturday – #SeemaSays (Better than #FahimFix)
If you have not yet participated in Small Business Saturday, you might still have seen its signs in small businesses in your neighborhood.What is Small Business Saturday?Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving to support small businesses. It was...
The Pertinence of Proofreading
It's the middle of November, and we're all busy finalizing our holiday ads, mailings, and marketing messages. Do you have a proofreader? Unfortunate grammar and poor communication are detrimental to a business … especially in our industry, where our target customers...

Thank you to the Veterans in our industry for their service and generosity #FahimFix Friday
Here are 3 salient examples of why we need to constantly thank the veterans in our industry for their support, service and generosity. (I thought this post would be fitting for today, since it's Veteran's Day). Recently, my wife & I visited a store in Ohio and...

Election Day
Running a shipping store in a very diverse college town, I see a lot of absentee ballots being mailed, and a lot of first time voters--both young adults looking toward a future full of potential, excited to have their voice heard and recognized, and also a fair share...
The Profit: Bowery Kitchen Supplies
Do you watch NBC's The Profit? I got into the show about a year ago, and I love it! In each episode, Marcus Lemonis--businessperson, investor, and philanthropist--visits a struggling business and decided whether he'd like to invest his own time and money into it to...

Let excellence be your brand – #Oprah #FahimFix Friday
I was truly honored to be invited to speak to high school students for their annual Shadow Day program, where they go out into the workplace and shadow different careers, so that they can decide if their chosen career path is, in fact, right for them. It allows them...
Friday the 21st
Friday was "one of those days" at Uncle Marty’s. One of my biggest printing customers—one of Cornell’s largest departments—submitted a nearly 3000-page color printing request on Thursday afternoon. It was a good job, involving different sizes of paper that needed to...
Make a Little Change
I just moved my desk. It wasn't an earth shaking, ground breaking, overwhelming undertaking. In fact, the total distance traveled for my Ikea stainless steel-topped buddy was less than 10 feet. But the move has made me very, very happy. Before, my desk was facing a...

When making your point heard, choose respect over arrogance – #FahimFix Friday #Leadership Technique
This past week, I had a conversation with an account executive at Yelp, to discuss my advertising experience with the company. I brought several positive and negative factors to light during our conversation. After I concluded my feedback, Kelly (from Yelp) kindly...
Our Industrial Evolution
Evolution [ev-uh-loo-shuh n]: a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development; any process of formation or growth. My parents opened their first store in the fall of 1991. I was...

Getting Too Comfortable
Aah, comfort. Comfort can be delightful. The highlight of my day is going home, putting on my jammies, and snuggling up with a big fluffy blanket … especially now, as nights are becoming crisper and autumn moves in to upstate New York. When we're comfortable, we can...

Mediocrity doesn't sell; excellence does – #FahimFix Friday
Last week, I was honored to be invited as a guest lecturer for a marketing class at Medaille College in Buffalo. The class consisted mostly of working adults who were furthering their education to get ahead in their chosen careers. I met with the professor the day...

A Sensible Store
Dear Uncle Marty, I was in your marketing class at the Retail Shipping Expo a few weeks ago in Las Vegas and was interested when you were talking about music in the store. I never really thought about that as important. I usually just play the radio or talk radio....

What Happens in Vegas … Is a Game Changer
A game changer is "a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way." It was a privilege and pleasure to see so many of you at the 2016 Retail Shippers Expo in Las Vegas in August! This year, Expo was extra...

Success is sweetest when it's shared – Howard Schultz – #FahimFix Friday
On Labor Day, I had a flight back from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, enjoying the ride with my teen aged son. He was frantically finishing his summer reading assignment and I was relishing in the fact that I could annoy him on the plane and let him know that he...

How's your blog?
The topic of store blogs came up time and time again at the recent Retail Shippers Expo in Las Vegas. It's very encouraging to hear of so many stores starting and maintaining really great blogs, and reaping the benefits! Blogs are a core teaching of Fahim's in his...

On Time or it's Free – Refund Retriever guest blog post for #FahimFix Friday
Did you know your packages are guaranteed to arrive on time or they are free?? YES… the whole #ifitslateitsfree motto applies to the shipping world as well! When UPS and FedEx deliver a package after the guaranteed time, you are entitled to a refund credit for the...

Surprisingly Awesome: Cardboard
As you've likely gathered by now, most of us on the AMBC Board of Directors are outright podcast junkies. I have my favorite podcasts, and among them is a fairly new gem from Gimlet Media, Surprisingly Awesome. This delightful show takes a seemingly mundane...

#AttitudeOfGratitude – The correct way to post on social media – #FahimFix Friday
Two weeks ago, I presented several breakout sessions on social media at the Retail Shippers Expo in Vegas. During most of my sessions, I talked about the attitude of gratitude (or, as I called it, #AttitudeOfGratitude). It's important to note that attitude, not...
Happy New Year! (Yes, in August!)
For me, August always feels like the start of a new year. It's weird, I know. But my shop is in a college town, and August is when all of the new students arrive for the year. The town comes back to life, things are fresh, and attitudes are positively hopeful. Perhaps...
How to find employees through social media thanks to #AskGaryVee – #FahimFix Friday
Returning back from the Retail Shippers Expo 2016 this week, overflowing with emotions, I could not sleep on the plane. So, I started and finished reading my book, #AskGaryVee - One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership, Social Media & Self-Awareness. It was truly...

I'm traveling today, headed home after an amazing week in Vegas at the Retail Shippers Expo. I'll have a formal follow-up article on Expo in the next issue of MBC Today, but have to share my overwhelm with you now. Perhaps "overwhelm" isn't the proper word. I believe...